Elstor has signed a contract to supply clean steam equipment to a new industry sector

Supply contract for a new industry sector Elstor Oy has signed its second new supply contract with a major industrial…

Elstor energy storage container for clean and renewable steam production. Elstor energiavarasto puhtaan ja uusiutuvan höyryn tuotantoon.

Supply contract for a new industry sector

Elstor Oy has signed its second new supply contract with a major industrial customer in a short period of time. This is the seventh supply contract announced by the company.

The customer’s industrial site will be equipped with a high-temperature energy storage system developed by Elstor to produce clean steam with zero carbon dioxide emissions. The solution will replace the current use of fossil fuels for steam production. The 10 MWh energy storage system will produce approximately 5,000 MWh of steam per year, reducing the customer’s carbon dioxide emissions by an estimated 1,900 tonnes per year. The name of the customer will not be disclosed for the time being.

Transformation to clean steam production

The new agreement strengthens Elstor’s position as a supplier of industrial zero-emission heat and steam equipment to a wide range of industries. Elstor’s innovative technology makes efficient use of emission-free energy and enables fossil-free steam generation, supporting the industrial transition towards more sustainable, efficient and environmentally friendly operations.

“This project is yet another demonstration of how our Elstor energy storage system significantly reduces industrial emissions while making energy use more efficient. This supply contract for a new industry is an important achievement for both us and our customer as we move towards carbon neutral production,” says Kari Suninen, CEO of Elstor Oy.

Elstor continues to develop its technology and is committed to delivering solutions that enable the industry to achieve its sustainability goals. The company has grown rapidly in recent years and has signed several supply contracts with industrial companies in different sectors, seven of which are public so far.

For more information:
Kari Suninen
CEO, Elstor Oy
Tel.: +358 40 558 3706
E-mail: kari.suninen@elstor.fi

Elstor Oy

Elstor Oy is a Finnish company that develops and supplies innovative energy storage solutions for industrial needs. Elstor focuses in particular on high temperature energy storage systems that enable efficient and economically viable use of renewable energy and significantly reduce industrial emissions.

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