340 t/year
mitigated carbon dioxide emissions
Oy Roberts Ab
- Basic-unit with 5 MWh storage capacity
- Will replace natural gas in process steam production
- Annual emission reduction estimated at 340 tons.
320 t/year
mitigated carbon dioxide emissions
Lappeenrannan Lämpövoima
- Basic unit with 5 MWh storage capacity
- Replaces natural gas in production of district heating
- Annual emission reductions 320 tonnes
790 t/year
mitigated carbon dioxide emissions
- Double-unit with 10 MWh storage capacity
- Has replaced light fuel oil in process steam production
- Annual emission reductions 790 tonnes
< 300 t/year
mitigated carbon dioxide emissions
Kaskein Marja
- Basic-unit with 5 MWh storage capacity
- Replaces the usage of natural gas in process steam production
- Emission reduction potential up to 300 tonnes per year
References and news